Petroleum jelly and it's many beauty fixesFashion & Beauty

December 04, 2013 17:13
Petroleum jelly and it's many beauty fixes},{Petroleum jelly and it's many beauty fixes

(Image source from: Petroleum jelly and it's many beauty fixes})

Perhaps one of the most overlooked item in our beauty shelves, petroleum jelly is in fact, the most powerful winter weapon. And the best part, it's multipurpose too. From healing your chapped skin to softening your cracked heels, the benefits of this good, old jelly in myriad. We list down a few ways in which you can use the goodness of this gooey jelly to look and stay beautiful always.

Lengthens eyelashes: Wish you had longer lashes? Ditch the mascara and coat your eye lashes with petroleum jelly instead. Leave it overnight. Over the time you will have longer, thicker lashes.

Taming the frizz: Settle the winter frizz with a smooth polish of petroleum jelly. Just rub some between your palms and run your hands through your shaft. In no time, you will have smoother, shinier mane. Don’t go overboard or else you will end up with flat hair.

Makes fragrance last longer: Dab a little petroleum jelly on your wrist and neck before your spray it with perfume. Doing so will make your perfume last longer.

Chafed nose healer: Due to cold and flu, the area around your nose tends to get chafed. Dab on some jelly to restore back normalcy.

Highlighter: Apply some petroleum jelly on your cheekbone to give you that instant highlighter effect. You can also use it on your eyelids before you put on your eye shadow for a glitzy effect.

AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury

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