Save yourself from summer coldHealthy Living

July 30, 2014 15:42
Save yourself from summer cold},{Save yourself from summer cold

(Image source from: Save yourself from summer cold})

Summer is here and so is summer cold. Though not as common as the "cold" that pretty much plagues all each winter, the summer sniffles are less common. That said, if you happen to catch it, then it's going to be possibly worse than the winter flu. That is because during summer, the enterovirus are more rampant, and if they succeed to infect you, then there is no escape from debilitating body ache and stomach flu. Worse, they last longer than common colds.

So how do you immune yourself against one of these summer-ruining colds? Good habits like washing your hands and using disinfectant wipes when necessary, sleeping more, stressing less, avoiding too many umbrella-toting cocktails can save you from falling sick.

Since you are likely to get in touch with all the cold-causing germs at some point in summer, ensure to up your body's defenses.

Eating healthy and flu-preventing foods, getting plenty of rest, air purifying your home, getting exercise, skipping make-up, sleeping seven to eight hours, easing down on protein, and avoiding stress can save the summer for you.

AW: Suchorita Choudhury

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