India and Egypt are gearing up to boost their defense and security cooperation to effectively deal with twin challenges of terrorism and radicalization. The move following the talk between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi over the entire expanse of ties.
Modi said after talks with the President of the strategically located country, that, "We are of one view that growing radicalization, violence and spread of terror are a real threat across regions." The country is a crucial link between northeast Africa and the Middle East.
Both countries signed an MoU on maritime shipping and also decided to expand trade and commercial ties holding that there are huge opportunities to exploit untapped economic opportunities in the two countries.
A joint statement issued after the talks said that, "The two leaders strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. They considered terrorism to be one of the gravest threats to international peace and security. They reaffirmed their resolve to strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism at all levels.”
"They also reaffirmed their resolve to work together at UN on concluding the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT)."
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